Are You a Building Owner?

Here is what we can do for you.

Electro Mechanical Engineering Consultancy

A building owner should consider the services we offer to the Property Developer when he is developing his own property. In addition, a building owner/ operator has to worry more for the cost of owning and operating the building. The running cost is what determines the feasibility of the investment you make and how soon it can pay back. The running cost of operating the building is mainly spent on running the M&E equipment in the building. If the building M&E design is inefficient, there is no cure to undo this damage. The building owner continues to pay for this deficiency for the entire building life. Some of the landmarks in Abu Dhabi and Dubai will never payback their investment due to ill design and high energy consumption. Yet they are iconic and look nice on post cards. A careful building owner should appoint a competent M&E designer as early as possible during conceptual stags.

Energy Optimization

This service is offered to the owners of existing buildings.

  • Buildings that were poorly designed and consume high energy as explained above.
  • Buildings that were designed properly but lost efficiency with time.
  • Buildings that are poorly maintained and out of control
  • Buildings that are using old technology that can be upgraded to save energy

Each building is a unique case and there is no one solution that helps all buildings. We survey the building, collect data, monitor the building behaviour, collect historical consumption data, design the best solution and Implement. We are proudly running optimized buildings as low as 60% of their annual energy consumption of the first year of operation. Kindly refer to the pdf below. Energy Consumption